

Become a member! 

You can join online!

$11 Single Membership

$20 Family Membership*

$10 Staff Membership

(*must live in same household)


Join using the paper form & cash or check

2024-2025 Membership Form Sac PTA.pdf


Your dues are important, and allow us to stay a Parent-Teacher Association. They also support the PTA's child advocacy on the state and national levels. Your participation as a PTA member, through volunteering and fundraising, helps us to support Sacajawea's staff and students.


When you join Sacajawea's PTA, you can access all of the membership benefits available to members of the Washington State PTA. Check out their Member Discounts page to learn more! 

If I join the PTA, do I have to volunteer?

No! Being a PTA member does not require you to volunteer!

I haven't officially joined the PTA. Can I still help out? 

Yes! You don't have to be a PTA member to volunteer (unless you hold a position, are planning an event, or are handling funds). 

My schedule interferes with in-person volunteering. Can I still help?

Yes!  For example: during the year, there will be opportunities to donate food or snacks for Staff Appreciation Days, Snack Shack sales, or the Carnival! In preparation for the Carnival, you can contribute to your classroom's themed basket for the Silent Auction. You can help make flyers, manage the PTA's social media, help maintain the PTA website, or work on securing donations from local businesses! You can help by serving as a Room Parent (sign-up typically at the start of the school year), in conjunction with your teacher and the PTA, communicating with the other parents in your student's classroom. 

I have more questions. Where should I direct them?

Please send us an email at or contact us here