Sacajawea Elementary PTA
(Region 3, Council 7, Local Unit 68)
Supporting the Sacajawea Elementary School community since 1977
On This Page: Our Mission and Goals | Elected Officers | Board of Directors
Our Mission and Goals
Our Mission Statement
The primary purpose of our PTA is to promote the best interests of our children at school, at home, and in the community. Through advocacy, financial assistance, and volunteer time, we support our school's mission with the hope of providing our students the social, emotional, and academic skills they need to reach their potential and become valuable contributors to society. We support parents, teachers, and staff in the education of all Sacajawea children.
Sacajawea Elementary PTA's Goals
Create positive communication between the PTA, the parents, and the school
Maintain high levels of participation in PTA and volunteer positions
Support the Sacajawea teachers and staff with both volunteers and resources
Provide lots of family fun and learning
Collaborate on long-term goals within the Sacajawea community
Engage parents at Sacajawea who are responsible, respectful, and committed
Fun! Let's have some fun too!
Approximately 420 students and 65 staff members
112 members strong!
Review the PTA's 2024-2025 Standing Rules here.
You can review the Meeting Minutes from the PTA's General Meetings here.
Hi! I'm mom to a Columbia River High School alum and two current Sacajawea students, boys in the 4th and 2nd grades. I've served the PTA as Vice President in the past and am a frequent volunteer at the school. If you’re a returning Sacajawea family, we've probably already met!
Hi! I'm mom to two current Sacajawea students, boys in the 4th and 3rd grades. I've previously served the PTA as President and Secretary during past years. I'm a Cub Scout parent leader and a member of the Air Force Reserve!
Secretary: Jennifer Wynn
Hi! I’m mom to two Skyhawk boys, one entering 5th grade and the other 1st grade this year. I’ve worked as a nurse for over 25 years, as a nurse practitioner for the past 15. I got involved in the Sacajawea PTA last year and met great people, got to be creative, and dove into using my computer nerdiness to help out. In addition to serving as the PTA’s Secretary this year, I make lots of flyers on Canva, put together the Skyhawk Scoop newsletter, and manage the PTA website, Facebook, and Instagram.
Treasurer: Lacey Seaton
Hello! I am mama to two Skyhawks, one heading into fifth grade and one into third. We’ve been at Sacajawea since my oldest was in kindergarten and I love our school culture and community! Last year I was invited to join the PTA executive board as treasurer. Turns out I absolutely LOVE this role! I am so glad to be able to give so much back to the school both as treasurer and as a regular volunteer. When I’m not at school, I also am a doggy-sitter and am on the executive board of a local moms group. Say Hi when you see me around!
2024-2025 Board of Directors
Elected officers (Executive Committee):
Vanessa Kuschner
Dawn Choy
Jennifer Wynn
Lacey Seaton
Principals: A. J. Brown & Kevin Coffey
Faculty Representatives: Tammi Hoffman, Torri Phelan, Jeffrey Lee, and Mary-Catherine McElroy
Communications Chair (Website/Social Media): Jennifer Wynn
Fundraising Chair: Vanessa Kuschner
Volunteer Coordinator: Vanessa Kuschner
Additional Committees
5th Grade Committee Chairs: Lacey Seaton, Debbie Degenhart, and Jennifer Wynn
Donations Chair: Katey Grange
Garden/Green Team Chairs: Dawn Choy & Jennifer Wynn
Hospitality Chairs: Heather Lodahl & Vanessa Kuschner
Legislative Chair: Vacant
Membership Co-Chairs: Alex Koetje & Heather Lodahl
Newsletter Chair: Jennifer Wynn
Rewards Chair: Lacey Seaton
Spirit Wear Chair: Lacey Seaton
You can find the dates/times of 2024-2025 PTA Board of Directors Meetings by checking the PTA Calendar.