Active and Upcoming Fundraisers

Rewards Programs (Proceeds benefit the Sacajawea Elementary PTA*)

*Funds are used for the educational and enrichment programs supported by the PTA, many of which are listed above. 


Staff Appreciation: The ladies are ready to offer beverages to Sacajawea's teachers and staff! Day 1 of Teacher Appreciation Week 2024! #sacptasupported

Art to Remember: Here's Dawn unboxing orders! Before this fundraiser starts, there is SO MUCH work happening behind the scenes so that every student has artwork complete and sent in! #sacptasupported

April 25, 2024: The 5th Grade Committee, with PTA support, holds a Snack Shack lunch sale raising funds for the 5th-graders End of Year Celebration! #sacptasupported

April 12, 2024: The Reptile Man visits Sacajawea's Kindergarteners! #sacptasupported

April 2024: Scholastic Book Fair at Sacajawea #sacptasupported

March 27, 2024: The 5th Grade Committee, with PTA support, holds a Snack Shack lunch sale raising funds for the 5th-graders End of Year Celebration! #sacptasupported