Upcoming Snack Shack Sales: 

Friday, October 25th at the Harvest Festival You can sign up to help HERE. Look for the spots for 5th-grade parents, divided into 5:30-6:30 and 6:30-7:30 shifts.

10-2024: Our Snack Shack fundraiser brought in around $700! Along with some carryover funds from last year, we're doing well toward funding the 5th-grade end-of-year events!

5th Grade Committee

Your child is in the fifth grade this year? Congratulations! (We'll save all our emotions about our kids finishing elementary school for later!)

There will be lots of fun 5th-grade field trips and other activities throughout the year. Fundraising and planning for our students' End of the Year Celebration starts early in the year. And we'll need support from the families of 5th graders to make it all happen!

5th-Grade Fundraising

During the year, we typically have a few fundraisers specifically benefiting the 5th-grade. These fund the 5th grade class T-shirt and Yearbooks, the Legacy Gift, and the Last Day of School Celebration. 

The Snack Shack sales, held at Family Fun events and select lunch periods, are one popular and successful fundraiser benefiting the 5th grade. We ask parents of 5th graders for donations of snack items, and ask for volunteers to help at the sales.

Please note: 

Legacy Gift

Each year, based on funds, the 5th-grade committee researches school needs and decides on a gift the 5th graders can present to the school. Examples of past Legacy gifts include donations to the Sacajawea Media Center, a new Skyhawk costume for our Self-Manager Assemblies, and a new outdoor picnic table for the Sacajawea grounds. In 2024, the graduating class purchased two composting benches for Sacajawea's Gathering Garden.  

The Last Day of School Celebration is meant to be a special day for our 5th-graders and 5th-grade parent volunteers. A school assembly (parents welcome!) honors the graduating 5th graders. Students have a field day with fun activities and enjoy a picnic lunch (i.e., pizza or boxed lunches) and time together to sign yearbooks. Most of the planning for this event starts in February/March. While the last day of school can change based on snow days, etc., the last day of school (so, the 5th Grade Celebration) is currently planned for June 12, 2025.

Field Trips Planned for 2024-2025: 

Salmon Creek Greenway - End of October (October 24-25, 2024)

Biztown - May 8, 2025 (About Biztown | Last year's highlights

Columbia Springs Fish Hatchery - May 15, 2025

All field trip volunteers must have current volunteer clearance (background check) through VPS

We always need helpers

If you're interested in helping with 5th-grade activities, CLICK HERE and complete the 5th-Grade Committee's contact form!

April 2024 Lunch Sale

Fall 2023 Lunch Sale

Send us your pics from the event! Mail them to admin@sacpta.com