For Staff

Ways YOU can support a strong PTA partnership

It's easy to join and costs only $10 per year for a staff member. Joining the PTA is one big way of showing your support for your PTA and its mission. (Click here to join!) 

As always, thank you so much for your support!

Ways WE can support you

Communication | Budgeted Funds | Unbudgeted Funds | Reimbursement

We Can Help Promote Your Event/Club/Activity

Budgeted Funds Available For Your Use

Extra (Unbudgeted) Funds

Reimbursement/Getting a Vendor Check Issued

1. Download the Expense Report/Check Request Form. You can find physical copies in a pocket folder on the Sacajawea workroom cabinet doors.

2. Fill it out and attach the necessary receipts/invoices/purchase orders.  

​3. Submit the paperwork. ​There are two ways to do this:

​Physical Copies:  Turn in your paperwork to the PTA drawer in the workroom at Sacajawea.


Digital Copies:  Scan or photograph everything and email it to

That's it! We'll process it and send a check out as soon as possible. Note: If turning in physical copies, please also send us an email to let us know it's at school and needs processing. We'll need two officers' signatures on each check before distributing them to you. 

Page updated 02-2024